Hi, bonjour, こんにちは, I'm Théo Réveillard

You can find my CV in french here

I was born in Valence, France, but I’ve been a lot of different places around the world.

Nevertheless, I stayed at some places and earned professional experiences from companies and agencies. My first developer job was at Cansii back in 2013. Then I went to Japan for a whole year and immediately fell in love with this country. Back in France, I worked for a press and digital advertising company named Prodigious. In 2018 I flewed to Autralia and southern asia later on.

June 2019 has undoubtedly been a turning point for me: I would like to focus more on web development. Since then, I’ve enjoyed working with technologies such as React, Gatsby, NodeJS. I also like playing with design tools and librairies such as threeJS, CSS Animations and Adobe Editing Softwares.

For any assigment, you can reach me on trvd.protonmail.com or for private matters, reveillard.theo@gmail.com.